The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) is legislation protect businesses and consumers from identifty-thieves.
FACTA applies to all businesses who maintain consumer information for any business purpose. Failing to properly secure and maintain the information can result in substantial fines and class-action litigation and has no statutory limitation. The legislation can hold a company financially responsible for the actual losses to individuals involved.
Commercial Collection Topics
- Identity Thieves, Protect your Business The Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act, also known as FACTA, protects businesses and consumers from thieves that try to...
- 2015 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the nation’s consumer protection agency. The FTC works to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair...
- When a Creditor won’t Renew a Line of Credit Steps to take when a creditor won't renew one of your debtor's line of credit. Other creditors should become proactive...
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