Need information on a bankrupt business account?
Each of the 91 bankruptcy court districts has an automated Voice Case Information System (VCIS) phone number.
Call and enter the case number or business name when prompted. A recording will provide you with the business attorney’s name and phone number, petition filing dates, upcoming hearing dates and more.
Commercial Collection Topics
- Debtor Bankruptcy, What is an Automatic Stay? Describes what effect and Automatic Stay has on creditors when a debtor files for bankruptcy. This means, as a creditor,...
- Keep Contact Information Good Communications lead to Good Collections. Emails are all important avenues for communication, not just for marketing but debt collection...
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Describes that a debtor must not have enough income to qualify for a Chapter 13. This is done by a...
- Business Bankruptcy Protection Discusses Creditor Reclamation Demand when debtor files for bankruptcy or is determined to be officially insolvent....
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