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Show Me The Money - Controlling Cash
Checking for Cash

When we are talking about how we handle cash in business, the implications broaden even though the feeling of "show me the money" stays the same.

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Debt Collection Policies

Collection practices should be flexible, but your company should develop a formal collection policy which outlines the timing and type of debt collecting efforts given a number of days

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Making Collection Calls

Making collection calls is a skill you can actively develop No business owner wants to feel like a mobster or loan shark threatening to, metaphorically, break someone’s legs if they don’t pay.

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Good Communication Leads to Good Debt Collection
Keep Contact Information

Good Communications lead to Good Collections. Emails are all important avenues for communication, not just for marketing but debt collection as well

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Avoiding Bad Debts : Developing a Payment Policy.
Avoiding Bad Debts Part 3

Most entrepreneurs know that it’s critical to send out billing reminders as soon as payment is past due. You can provide a benefit by reminding them of when bills are coming due

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